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Our Services

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a manual technique utilising a fine sterile needle, similar to that in acupuncture. It is used to stimulate specific trigger points in muscle fibres. Dry needling is useful in the management of general muscle tightness, muscle overactivity or muscles that may be underactive and needing stimulation.

As the name suggests, the fine needle is “dry” and does NOT involve injecting substances into the body.

Please note, while the risks associated with Dry Needling are minimal, it is important to let us know if you are:

  • Pregnant

  • History of DVT

  • Haemophilia or use of anti-clotting medications

Sports Injury rehabilitation

The benefit of sports injury rehab is that it can help reduce your injury time and speed up your recovery time to return to pre-injury form. It will guide you through exercises to improve your mobility, strength, balance, co-ordination, and agility to get you back into the game. Your rehab will also have focus on analysing movement patterns to prevent future/recurrent injuries.  Another important component of this recovery process is providing education to the client regarding their injury on what to do, when, how and why during the process. Sports injury rehab may take a few days or up to a few months depending on the type and severity of injury.

Physical Therapy Session
Falls prevention

Accidental falls amongst the elderly are a common problem and can cause devastating consequences for the individual and their support networks. Falls can lead to loss of confidence, injuries with hospital admission, resident admission and reduced quality of life. Physiotherapy can help in many ways to prevent this from occurring including exercise prescription for strengthening and increasing mobility, balance training, environmental modification, injury minimisation such as falling strategies, education regarding footwear, safety around the home and importance of physical activity.

Yoga Class
Post-surgical rehabilitation

Physiotherapy post orthopaedic surgery is key to optimum recovery! Throughout your recovery your mobility, strength and function will be assessed. According to the different phases of healing, you will be guided with an appropriate rehabilitation program. We will look at pain, swelling and scarring as well as mobility, strength, balance, co-ordination and flexibility. This will lead to the bigger picture of returning to daily activities, recreational activities and/or sports performance.

Leg Injury
back and neck pain 

Most people will experience back or neck pain at some point in their life. The majority of low back pain is caused by soft tissue strain or overload of the muscles and joints. The other causes may be related to the bone, disc or nerve structures. Physiotherapy can help with back pain in many ways including joint mobilisations, muscle release techniques, dry needling, taping, targeted exercise, education, movement and posture analysis.

Back Massage
chronic pain management

Whether it’s shoulder pain, back pain, headaches, osteoarthritis, we all know someone living with a chronic pain condition. Persistent pain can impact a person’s quality of life and ability to work and socialise normally, and not without mention the significant psychological impact on the individual. Physiotherapists can help manage these conditions with education to help better understand the pain, reassurance and de-escalating fear association with movement, a tailored exercise program and manual therapy techniques.

Upper Back Massage
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